Thursday, February 24, 2005

New York Times, New York Metro and Bobby Flay

A funny thing happened over the weekend. Well, not exactly funny but it gave me a little chuckle.

Nothing beats a Sunday afternoon sprawled on the couch with the Sunday New York Times and a cup of coffee. My favourite section is the Sunday Styles Weddings Section which lists the weddings of the week. Now bear in mind that most of the people that actually announce their wedding in this section aren’t your typical Mr and Mrs Average (that is of course if she chooses to take her hubby’s name, darling). No, this section is fun to read because of the amount of detail that goes into describing the bride and groom’s impeccable ivy league education, their fabulous jobs and what their parents did before they retired to their mansion in the Hamptons. No, let me correct myself. My favourite section within Weddings is the corrections for the previous week’s announcements. “The groom’s father is a full professor at XYZ University, NOT associate professor”. Woop de dooh dah, does anyone care??

Anyway an article in the latest issue of New York Metro says that the New York Times will now be charging people for the privilege of announcing their wedding in the newspaper. This will make future announcements more interesting for sure.

Over the weekend Bobby Flay, everyone’s favourite Food Network chef (not) got hitched. According to the column it’s his third trip down the aisle, good luck to his lady I suppose.

I have to say that out of all the Food Network chefs Bobby Flay is the one that I despise the most. Despise is a strong word yes, but he is such an arrogant schmuck I just have to turn the TV off when he’s on. Watch any one of his shows and you’ll know what I mean. And it seems I’m not the only one that feels that way. This was a pretty interesting article about Mr Flay.

Rachel Ray’s on-air enthusiasm is wearing a little thin too but that’s another post.

The funny thing about all of this is that the article made a reference to a blog called Veiled Conceit devoted entirely to trashing the New York Times Weddings section which I have duly bookmarked. The latest entry on Mr Flay is hilarious.

So there you go. I thought I was the only one that felt that way about The NY Times Wedding section and Bobby Flay but thank goodness I'm not...


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